To "be 19", or to have "gone 19" essentially means that something has gone wrong, is just plain weird, or is inexplicable. Derived from Stephen King's 'Dark Tower' series. Its true meaning, if anything more than a motif, has yet to be revealed.
"Welcome to the 19th level of The Dark Tower."

"The whole fucking world has gone 19."
by King Ninja April 15, 2004
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The age where you can legally buy cigarettes and other tobacco products in the state of New Jersey
19 year old: yo wuttup mr indian guy can i get some bogies?
indian guy: do you have ID?
19 year old: FUCK YES I DO
by iTeelop April 28, 2009
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The day, that all the crushes and love starts.
"I can't wait for a 19."
by Yourepersonalstalker September 7, 2011
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An impossible number to score in one hand of cribbage. Usually, when one says that they scored 19, they have no points in their hand.
A: I have two pairs, you?
B: 19. :(
by Tori G. July 1, 2006
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One of the most boring age a person can be. The person looks good but is expected to be either (a) working or (b) partying and getting laid in college, or (c) going into the army, or doing a combination of both. Porn looks good about the age of 19 since there are nothing else except for jack off to porn.
I'm 19. Lets join the army - nothing else to do
by kyster23 April 7, 2011
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A secret code to tell a friend if a girl is really hot. 19 means-really really hard.
Steve: Holy shit, look at that 19!
Lord:Damn shes fine.
by Steve Lord November 16, 2006
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Person 1:I did a 19 with a nug last night.
Person 2:Thats been on my do to list forever. Nice!
by Dennis Fuckuall September 1, 2007
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