A house nigga, somewho dosent do anything but go to school and home. Loves long distance relationships
by GangPullin September 2, 2016
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an extension to any word to fuel its original meaning. Giving the original world a Level up!
"Hit shawty glutes".... "Hit her glutavion"
"shes giving me face".... "Shes giving me facion"
"im trying to beat the case".... im trying to beat the casion"
"yoo this ni**a mook"..... yoo this ni**a mookavion"
"yooo its lit"...... yoo its litavion"
"rub her clit.. rub her clitavion"

*Add any word infront of avion/tavion to make it a dope word*
by @Theofficialmicdee February 17, 2018
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Tavion Hartsfield has no eyebrows and has white people lips. He always thinks hes though or cool. His brother Tre is kinda hot, Tavion is not. He needs to take more showers and his teeth are yello. Never trust him and he can suck it.
by Someone thats a mystery November 16, 2019
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A lightskin short shrimpy dick big tripple decker fore headed nigger.
He lies alot and cant pull any girls
by Vvccccvbb February 28, 2017
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A Tavion is a guy who is very sweet but can be such a Tavion at times. Very nice and good at most things but again such a tavion smh🙄
Ur being such a tavion
Tavion behaviour
by Poop_guyy August 12, 2022
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