TPP is the Trump Populist Party, the 2017 replacement for the once GOP (Grand Old Party), or the Republican Party. It is a delusional conservative beliefs system that was built in Russia and the delivery mechanism was by way of a mob boss, Donald John Trump, ridiculously elected president through lies, propaganda and temporary national insanity by just enough jvoters to get him elected.

Then began the diminishment of the United States on the world and national stage.
It fully replaced the GOP in 2020 having come to power through a Putinesque Russian virus known as TDS or Trump Delusion (or Denial) Syndrome.

It was supported by a diseased, extreme right-wing party that believed in foolish conspiracies (like QAnon) over reality or fact as it's simply more fun for them. All because of their immaturity, faux patriotism, and serious issues they have with reality because of mental or emotional problems and because it does not match their ridiculous and desired form of reality.
Are you voting TPP for Donald Trump in 2020 or are you an actual American and voting for anyone Putin doesn't like
by JZMurdock September 4, 2020
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Eg. 'enter name' is such a TPP
by .Anon. March 3, 2007
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Some jackass looking over your shoulder to see what you have bet at a horse track or greyhound track. After you have handicapped the race this person is trying to cut your odds- by betting what you bet- he/she is a TPP Track Peeping Prick
"Hey dude watch the guy in the yellow shirt, he is Track Peeping Prick (TPP) and he is following you.
by jbird12 August 5, 2009
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Toilet Paper Panic (TPP). When a paranoid person says an important item is running dangerously low in supply and causes masses of people to go and buy that item in bulk. In turn causing it to run actually low in supply.
"Oh geez, it's TPP again. People are saying gas is out of supply. Like seriously, look at that line for gas!"
by GunFoTin May 12, 2021
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Short for «Therese Pettersen Pussy Syndrom» it basically means that you my good sir are a big fuckin pussy and you should quit being one:)
Duuuude! I suffer from TPPS, can u help me out?
Nah, fuck you
by LilDJesus January 12, 2019
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Stands for Trailer Park Trash, usually a individual(s) that reside in a trailer park, Usually they are white in the lower poor area, in the south.
Joe did you see that chevy with the rebel flag, they guy that got out looked like tpp.
by Bruce11lee April 6, 2019
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