Hannah: "Man, when I jumped in that lake I got some major TE."
Kara: "Haha yeah it was pretty damn cold"
by trackchicky May 10, 2010
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TE= Tough Enough

A WWE talent Program called Tough Enough.
Do you wanna see (TE) Tough Enough with me?
by KingOfKings1045 April 11, 2011
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1:/a synonym for the word yes
2:/a typo for the word test
original: Are you practicing social distancing?
name: Tes.
original: Is that a typo for yes?
name: no it means yes, look it up
by Temmie_Lee April 16, 2020
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the acronym for "thunderous erection" from CD Payne's book Youth in Revolt
Damn, I was thinking about her TP and I got a TE
by chris ostrom May 26, 2004
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Slang for the game 'Pente'
Some friends and I were knocking back one of my finer vintages of homebrew and decided to play some Te. As usual they got their asses kicked as I am the pente master.
by Brf June 19, 2006
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Tes is an amazing and wonderful girl. She has been through a lot of things, but she dealt with it. If your lucky, she will end up liking you. Tes is extremely beautiful, but is very picky when it comes to guys, so you better have a sense of humor boys!
That Tes is a beautiful one!
by _This_girl_loves_life_ May 3, 2018
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Short name for Taylor. Normally a person who is arrogant and self-centered. A "Te" usually thinks they are clever and witty, when in reality they are far from it. Difficulties of keeping a relationship is a common trait in a Te.
See that kid over there being really annoying, that's such a Te.
by godzilla30001 May 4, 2009
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