Strider Hiryu. An awesome ninja with a long red scarf and a sword named Cypher, from the 1980's arcade game "Strider." He has also appeared in the Marvel vs. Capcom games.
"Strider" is so damn hard...!
by Maikeru November 29, 2003
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The grease between your legs after you go for a run.
Ah crap, need to shower, this shit smells
by jake May 4, 2004
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When you're running to the bathroom and don't make it on time. Then you get strider all over your legs.
Oh shit. I've got strider on my legs.
by Luka December 18, 2003
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the gayest poerson alive.....he bangs my friends girlfriend in the mouth.....he lies about 9th grade hand jobs and blows for cocain....he plays socom 2 and his name is BuZZcoCK
that guy is as gay as strider
by mike December 5, 2004
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fit member of blazin and good mc too
strider is fit and strider is a good mc
by donia November 9, 2003
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strider is boring
by spy September 12, 2003
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