Some Fat old guy off the show "Gilligan's Island. What I don't get is why they're stranded on an island with nothing to eat but coconuts and fruits they've been there for a long time and yet I dont see him getting any skinnier. He must be holding out on them
Skipper is Fat and Old.
by asdf April 24, 2004
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A rockin' blow job that knocks your socks off when you need it most. Done in an outdoor, or public place which creates a sense of thrill for both parties. Common side effects inlude "sackjaw" inflicted to the giver.
Brad gives Brandon a high five and exclaims," I think there were people watching last night when Lyndsae gave me that skipper in the park!"
by bradsoulsurvivor August 17, 2008
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Someone who is always moving selling drugs or a upcoming drug lord/king pin
Hey! You know anyone selling white girl?

Yeah I know a few skippers.
by El pablo Escobar April 23, 2020
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A term used to describe an asian bamf.
holy mother of all that is holy, its skipper. I want his children...
by Rawrmin March 29, 2011
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A really skinny girl with no chims or butt
Isaac: Man, that girl is flat chested and has no butt.
Pherick: Yeah, dude, she's a skipper.
by Ashley Hemmingway April 14, 2008
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A "Skipper" is someone who skips cinematics (movie parts) in games, especially in multi-player games.
"Damn it, Joel! I havn't seen that cinematic yet and you just skipped half way through. Next time I'm taking the controller off of you, Mr Skipper."
by MiTHMoN December 1, 2009
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Skipper is a tweaker who need to eat and chill out. A skipper has taken far too many 3 hour tours and is likely skinny and paces often. A skipper appears to be prancing in a disagreement.
John became such a skipper when he started smoking his tours. His three hour tours became a hiatus as well as his diminished pant size becoming nonexistent.
by Brijeetah August 2, 2018
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