A dance style originating in the 1980's characterized by fast heel and toe twisting and stepping, running man variations, stomping with the beat, foot swiveling from side to side, and having feet that appear to be gliding on and off the ground.

Shuffling is mostly for the feet and the arms just compliment whatever foot motions are taking place. This dance style is very high paced, intense cardio, and is usually to done to music with a constant beat such as electro, hardstyle, and/or techno.

Shuffling is preferrable in shoes as it won't hurt your feet, but also acceptable in socks or barefoot. Outfit and clothing style are irrelavant. Many shufflers (anyone who is decent or better at shuffle dancing) gain popularity by dancing in public, at meetups, but mostly by posting videos of them shuffling online.

After watching other amazing shufflers, you will most likely want to learn how to or at least want to obsessivly watch others shuffle because it looks cool.
A: "Holy shit dude what's that guy doing?! It looks like he's floating on air while stomping to the music!"
B: "Yeah, he's just shuffling"
A: "DAMN! I want to be able to do that some day!"
by Indiglo June 7, 2011
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A recent alleged dance craze involving young people, especially young men.
Consisting of a large amount of jittering about, coupled with 1980's dance moves, such as the robot and Moonwalk.
Most look like they are have an epileptic fit yet remaining standing.
Look at my cool shuffling...
Where are your cards?
by ozcybergod August 23, 2010
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a phrase used when you choose a song on you your ipod, cd, etc. plays a song that receives disapproval from one or more persons in the listening vicinity. use of this phrase saves you from the shame of picking a song that nobody likes.
tyrone: dude, why the hell are we listening to ne-yo?

mike: my bad man, it's on shuffle
by mike hunt370 July 22, 2010
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A form of dance originating somewhere in the area of Australasia that has recently found home in the United States, turning a generation into mindless E-popping fanatics who are completely incapable of executing the said dance in a fashionable or even decent manner. Hardly there for the music and far from underground, shuffling has taken over as many believe they are now 'ravers' and are obligated to take part in looking like fools by pretending to know how to shuffle.
Child 1: I was at a hip-hop club and there were kids trying to shuffle to 50 Cent.
Child 2: OMG, were they giving light shows too?!
by Let the scene fade August 28, 2009
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"Shuffle" or "Shuffling" is a type of dance to which you shuffle your feet. It's a repetitive dance move which can be done in many ways. Mostly suitable for Electronic or Techno music.

It was originally known as "The Melbourne Shuffle", and was originated in the late 1980's. Then became known and very popular around the globe.

Eventually the Shuffle got hugely promoted by the music group "LMFAO", known well from the 2011 hit "Party Rock Anthem" featuring Lauren Bennett & GoonRock.

Shuffling can now also be known as "Party Rocking"
"Hey did you see those guys shuffling to Electro on the sidewalk? that was epic!"

"Everyday i'm shuffling, Sorry for Party Rocking!"

"I can shuffle to MC Hammers song!"
by Lazix October 22, 2011
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To visit multiple bars in a given area in one night. Similar to a pub crawl.
Athens, Ohio is well known for having people go on shuffles because of the number of bars in the area.
by dolph ginter August 5, 2009
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To have a "shuffle"

The act of masturbation, normally by a female. Shuffle denotes the rythmic hand movement used to stimulate the nether regions
I caught Kim having a shuffle in her room last night
by Usually007 August 25, 2004
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