
People have recently used this because no one really Laughs out loud or lmaoo they SMILE A LITTLE THEN STOP
Yo mom so fat she eats wheat thicks.... SALTS :)
by Pinkbarbie39 August 1, 2011
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When someone says something funny, we say LOL which stands for Laugh out Loud. However, we are not really laughing, we smile a little then we stop, right? So SALTS = smile a little, then stop
Hey remember that time something really funny happened?

It wasn't that funny, i just salts
by anacondarawr November 1, 2017
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When someone you know fucks you over or pisses you off!
Damn I can't believe Rick man he gave me salt yesterday totally fucked me over

Or * today I was talking to John and all he did was give me pure salt all day!*
by Hom2436 January 24, 2018
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When someone is insulted, embarassed, or made to look like a fool of some sort.

Originally "assaulted", but later reduced to a more convenient syllable count.
David Oh: Matt, you're such a fuckin' douchebag!
(Matt cries)
Passing man: YOU BEEN SALTED!
by King Ninja March 3, 2004
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Acronym for Smiled A Little Then Stopped coined by DeRay Davis
I read your twitter joke.... SALTS... Smiled a little then stopped.
by seventy6er July 28, 2011
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1. noun - A labor organizer who obtains employment with a company for the sole purpose of unionizing the workers.

2. verb - To obtain employment with a company for the sole purpose of unionizing the workers; to be a salt. (Also: salting).
Labor organizer speaking to other organizers: "We're trying to establish a union at Wal-Mart, but we can't approach the workers while they're on the job. We need someone to volunteer to be a salt."

CEO speaking to Human Resources department: "You need to be vigilant when hiring, we're trying to avoid the employees unionizing and we don't want any salts agitating the workforce."
by Nth Republic June 18, 2011
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A person you find very attractive, usually a girl but can be a guy.
person 1: "look at that guy over there!"
person 2: "oh he's a right salt, isn't he?"
by mystery_gal March 2, 2017
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