Adjective. The brilliant and unqie marriage of the derivitive words 'sweet' and 'sick' used to describe something (ranging from a persons, situation, event, etc) that is pleasant, delightful, awesome and generally both 'sick' and 'sweet'.
That movie last night was pretty swick. OR Its such a swick day today.
by bobandfrancine September 3, 2010
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sweet and sick combined
katie foyle is wicked swick!
by katie foy May 13, 2005
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a combination of the words 'sweet' and 'wicked'.
His scenester haircut is pretty swicked.
by imposter January 7, 2006
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Its an easier way to say both words at once....
Man that car is SWICKED.
by Anthony (Mc-Math) April 1, 2008
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something that is sweet and wicked at the same time
Dude that is swicked
by Carter Wilson March 8, 2008
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Combination of the words 'swag' and 'sick'.
"Omg, Enya's jacket is so swick"
by sexygyal101 December 26, 2013
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