The most miserable excuse for a town in the entire state of New York. A town where rich bitches who should not be allowed in the gene pool drink their starbucks and pop their collars while competing for the title of "biggest whore". If you live in Rye you are most likely a stuck up bitch or a whiny cocky asshole arian who follows every idiotic trend so you will fit in to your pothead infested shithole called Rye High School. Other then it's striking similarity to a steaming pile of dog fesces, Rye isn't so bad.
Bitch: I'm one of the many tools in the giant toolbox called Rye
by Rye is gay December 11, 2006
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Archetype of cool to compare against.
Wow, you're almost as cool as Rye!
by Rye January 23, 2004
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1. a type of bread.
2. slang for multiple words, (shit, fuck, hell, etc.)
1. Gimme some Rye Bread with butter, lightly toasted.
2. What the Rye?!
Go Rye yourself kid!
by trufflechoclicholic September 20, 2009
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is a fucking asshole who sleeps with his brother and loves ann tran
by sukhwant July 31, 2004
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a very preppy, very wealthy town in westchester, just bordering on rye neck, and mamaroneck/larchmont. the town is SPOTLESS, and kids swathed in lacoste and polo, collars popped, crowd into starbucks, cosi, and the gap. EVERYONE IS BLONDE, BLUE EYED, AND READY FOR A LIFE OF YACHTS AND IVY LEAGUE DIPLOMAS.

and yes, the boys are so hot.
"I went out with this guy from Rye who was totally prepped in is going to yale"

"Lets go to coldstone in Rye and then pick up some Juicy Jeans at Ragz"
by Eve December 24, 2004
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a town of wealthy rich kids who do whatever the fuck they want wear great clothing who always look hot where gravity has no affect on collars and nantucket red is called pink welcome to rye.. everyone goes to nice country clubs were the play tennis all day with their typical rye mom who drive around in suburbans all day with their louis vuitton bags on their cells gossiping
" Omg she is such a rye mom"
"I met this girl at the club playing tennis with the hottest polo tennis offit from rye"
by IAMHOT March 19, 2005
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