A badger with a troubled past and nothing else to lose. It means to be so pissed of at someone that you rip their intestines out of their ass and hang them with them while cutting there eyeballs out with a salt-covered butterknife.
Guy 1: Dude you suck.
Guy 2: Dude I hate you.
Narrarator: Oh no! A conflict!
Guy 1: I'll eat you.
Guy 2: Q(@_@Q) bitch.
Narrarator: Guy 2 proceeds to go to Guy 1's place of inhabitance and rip his intestines out of his ass and hang him with them while cutting out his eyebals with a salt-covered butterknife.
by Purity21kg July 15, 2006
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Sad emoticon.

It is used when someone wants to tell that one is sad via messenger.
The *q*'s are the eyes with tears and the *-* is the mouth.
A: Hey, Mark!
B: q-q
A: Huh? What is it..?
B: I got my exam back... *sniff*
A: And?
B: ... It's an F!!! q-q
by HereComesDatSlav January 20, 2021
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A badger with a troubled past and nothing else to lose. It means to be so pissed of at someone that you rip their intestines out of their ass and hang them with them while cutting their eyeballs out with a salt-covered butterknife.
Guy 1: Dude, you suck.
Guy 2: Dude, I hate you.
Narrarator: Oh no! A conflict!
Guy 1: I'll eat you.
Guy 2: Q(@_@Q) bitch.
Narrarator: Guy 2 proceeds to go to Guy 1's place of inhabitance and rip his intestines out of his ass and hang him with them while cutting out his eyeballs with a salt-covered butterknife.
by Purity21kg July 16, 2006
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Used when meaning a small penis
you can't fuck a kitten with that midget kirby penis
by Cheng March 22, 2003
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Back in Starcraft this was the command to exit out of game. Friends will then say, "Aww! You QQ'd!" This will later spawn the crying face with the tears.
by The Lemur May 27, 2008
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A-Z blogging questionnaires for-your-desktop
Pr. all gamom bloggoz Q & Q’s.
by Hercolena Oliver July 9, 2010
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that big peened stud kirby hunted this chinks mom named chengsmom he really knocked her up thats how a child name ivan was born
by tehbabo March 22, 2003
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