A common name for large thickets of blackberry bushes. Often thought of as a pest, these bushes grow quickly and engulf trees, barns, and abandoned houses. They have annoying prickles that will catch on your clothing, and give you shallow cuts on unprotected arms and legs.
"Watch out for those prickle bushes, Tom! You'll get stuck and they'll give you some nasty cuts!"
by Shamhatter January 9, 2012
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A very sexy cacti with a good sense of humor.
Is dating Keem at the time.
by TaylorToast March 31, 2008
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When the hair starts growing back after you shave your v-giny
I was gonna smash Brenda last night but she was self-conscious about her prickle puss.
by BadtzMaruthepenguincunt September 10, 2018
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verb. The act of popping a pimple on your dick.
I had to do a prickle pop after that bitch gave me a dick pimple.
by Darwin Jacobs December 11, 2005
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When someone who is drinking gets offended by everything someone says
You need to lay off the sauce you are being a prickle bitch
by Batammy January 27, 2016
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The horribly itchy, rashy sensation you get in your pants after you trim your pubes
Person #1: Shit man, my girlfriend didn't like my bush, so i snipped it, and now i have a killer pant prickle

Person #2: Dude, that's tough
by experiencedinthisfield April 3, 2009
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A man or a woman who sniffs the underside of a penis or anyone engaged in the act of fellatio.
Me: Hey man, did you get your dick sucked by those chugglers?
You: Yeah dude, i made them into bona fide prickle sniffers.
by Horseman-Jaque April 30, 2013
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