What you see on anothers persons shirts or hats even though they have never been to New York they still wear clothes that say I *heart* New York.
John:"So what's it like?"

Carl:"What's what like?"

John:"Your shirt says I heart New York I just assumed you went to New York."

Carl:"I've never been to New York in my life."

John:"Then why are you wearing a I heart New York shirt?"

Carl:"I dunno because it looks cool."

John:"Fuck you dumbass."

*rips off Carls shirt*

John:"Go to New York and i'll give you your piece of shit shirt back."
by Lead Bullet January 24, 2008
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To the general public:
A large city on the United State's east coast

To the people who live there:
The center of the universe
I've got a 4:30 flight to New York tomorrow.

Other cities? What do you mean?
by hoboace September 27, 2007
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Why do half the people on here not know how to spell Manhattan?

The proper noun "Manhattan" does not contain the letter "e."
Let's take a closer look: M-A-N-H-A-T-T-A-N.
Did you see an "e" there? No, you didn't! ...because it's not fucking supposed to be there.

Manhattan: good
Manhatten: bad

Brooklen? Statin? Kweens? Broncks?
I'm embarrassed that so many people that are supposedly New Yorkers do not know how to spell Manhattan.
by aqueoustrans August 31, 2007
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I am from New York. I curse a lot. I say mad instead of wicked. I like the YANKEES. I know what REAL pizza tastes like, and I know that a bagel is much more than a roll with a hole in the middle. They're sprinkles...not jimmies. I play BEER PONG not beirut. I judge people by what exit they get off the highway. It's not called the shore, it's the BEACH. Its a wedge or a sub NOT a hoagie! It's not New York City or Manhattan, it's 'THE' CITY. Two words...MOTHER FUCKER. I know that 55 mph really means 85. When someone cuts me off, they get the horn AND the finger."
by roipher December 3, 2005
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Where my heart will always be no matter where I go.

New York = Home
by Jenny July 7, 2004
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Statistically, 3rd safest city out of the 25 largest cities in America. It's as safe as Boise, Idaho, and I dont hear any of you ignorant assholes bitching about Boise.
Get a new city to make shit up about.
by JIMBO May 15, 2004
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New York has a long Dutch History. New York was actualy founded in 1624 by the Dutchman Willem Verhulst of the West India Company (WIC) and at that time it was Called New Amsterdam. New Amsterdam developed into the largest Dutch colonial settlement in the New Netherland province, now the New York Tri-State region, and remained a Dutch possession until August 1664 when, after several batlles, it fell into the hands of the British.
If this had never happend, New York was still called New Amsterdam and all the US Citizens would probably speak Dutch.
by Scheffers May 12, 2006
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