November 5th, we celebrate the bond between two bros, or homies.
“ homie it’s November 5th.”
“it’s National Kiss The Homie Goodnight Day.”
“ give me a kiss bro.”
No homo man”
by November 2, 2021
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National Kiss Your Homies Goodnight Day occurs on the 24th December. A day to express one's love and affection for the homies.
'It's National Kiss Your Homies Goodnight Day! For homie, no homo!'
by Lexy Luthy October 18, 2020
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Celebrated on November 5th, the National Holiday of Kissing Your Homies Goodnight is a recently added U.S. holiday in which every homie must kiss at least one homie goodnight.
Ayo, it’s National Kiss Your Homie Goodnight Day, kiss me for the one time.
by @steezydarrin November 2, 2020
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On Friday may 13th kiss your homies to prove your respect to them
National kiss your homies day “Yo it’s kiss yo homies day” “kisses
by Kiss your homies day May 13, 2022
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