by Mr. Vigil February 22, 2005
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Kickass open-source web browser based on Netscape. Has pop-up and spam blockser, tabbed browsing options, everything you need. Best on 98/2000/XPLite, MacOS X, Linux, or any IE-free OS.
Why use something that will die on you?
Go to this site: www.mozilla.org
by tritium July 19, 2004
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1. A large dinosaur that attacks cities.

2. No, wait, that's Godzilla.

3. A delicious cheese choice.

4. Actually, no, that would be mozzarella.

5. A company that makes open-source programs like Firefox and Thunderbird.

6. Is that correct? It is? YES!
Me) Did you get the new Mozilla Firefox?

Some guy) No, I'm using IE 8.

Me) You fail epically.
by AK747 November 14, 2009
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while using the Mozilla Firefox browser, the action of selecting "View", "Page style" and then "No page style" to access previously invisible things on profile's of others
(past tense: mozillaed; mozillaing)
-coined by Joel Arken
"Bitch Oliver wouldn't let me see his comments, so I'm about to Mozilla his page."
"I just Mozillaed Oliver's page and posted in a bulletin and my blog. Fool."
by Joel A January 29, 2008
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Unknown to Internet users, Mozilla is, in fact, the not-so-irradiated cousin of Godzilla.

Where Godzilla has incredible strength, Mozilla itself is frequently frustrated by websites designed only for the dreaded Internet Explorer.

Currently Mozilla has a disowned child: the Seamonkey, which split from it while they were living together as a big happy family with Godzilla and Mozilla.
I was surfing the information superhighway safely and happily with Mozilla when *bang*, I slammed into a website designed only for Internet Explorer. Immediately, I left in disgust
by Shizuma April 7, 2008
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Mozilla was Netscape Communication's nickname for Navigator, its first Web browser, and the name of an open source public collaboration created to develop Navigator. AOL acquired Netscape in 1998 and stopped supporting the browser in 2008. The ongoing Mozilla Foundation's main focus is the Firefox browser.
Download Mozilla Firefox, a free Web browser. Firefox is created by a global non-profit dedicated to putting individuals in control online. Get Firefox today!
by ninjaghost319 October 27, 2015
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