MFE is short for "Most Fun Ever"
Can basically describe any event, situation, or moment in which one is having the best time of their life.

It can be used multiple times. One time you are having the MFE may not be as fun as the next time you have the MFE.
Katie: "I am so glad we came to Vegas for my Birthday!
Stephanie: "Yes! This is the MFE!"
by SydneyRenee May 6, 2009
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the phenomenon of meeting a new person that you have zero friends in common with, friend-requesting them, and within a few short weeks/months you suddenly have tons of friends in common
ummm... I barely knew you last month, and now you have leeched all my friends... MUTUAL FRIEND EXPLOSION (MFE)
by Nizzlelicious July 9, 2010
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