means Love You when used in text or instant messaging.
can be used in two ways:
1. to mean endearment between friends, generally female

2. to actually mean the words i love you, in a romantic sense
1. sara: ive got to go now
jess: ok, see you soon, ly
sara: bye

2. aaron: i ly so much babes
hana: i ly too x
by Lloveshim January 5, 2009
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I common phrase used in Ireland. It is basically the shortened version of "Why are you lying for? or "What are you lying for? It is usually used in a Rhetorical manner.
Guy 1:...Then I hooked up with both her and her sister on the same nite

Guy 2: Lying For?
by AboveTheWorld February 25, 2012
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Something that nobody admits to doing, but something everybody does. Except me, of course.
Want to see somebody that mastered the art of lying? Just see our current president.
by smashdummies January 24, 2014
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The ability to use the least amount of information (from the given truth), bend it to your will, add some bullshit to it, and add a dash of charm/reality-distortion field, while slowly changing the topic
Mom: Did you clean your room
Son: Yes i did, and it looks beautiful, as do you, can i have some dinner now

(while lying to his mom
In reality, all the son did was clean the visible part of the room that his mom could see, and quickly changed the topic)
by TMK2 December 19, 2011
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Like you.
by A6-2036 September 12, 2018
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Hiding the truth, something that a pathetic human being does.
David had sex with Mary” “your lying because I know that isn’t true”
by Spadarcar June 3, 2018
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Acronym used during instant messaging (AIM) by douchebags. Stands for "Love Ya."
xXradxchickXx: bla bla bla
bAbYbLuAnGeL19283: omg i g2g
xXradxchickXx: ok bai bai
bAbYbLuAnGeL19283: l8r, ly
by DMSO November 15, 2005
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