Very very hot and amazing at everything he does he is one of a kind and really really cool.
Luk is really hot and cool.
by Niggadickballs February 28, 2023
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Luk; form of strong bond, adore, care and love tours another individual. Commonly used tours someone you love, but you don't love. Refers to someone who you consider more than a best friend but less than your love. A fine line between the friend zone and the love zone.
Yunny: I think you are so beautiful, I think you have a great heart, we both like pickle ball, and we both appreciate the same music. I think I'm in love with you.
Girl with a flower on her head: I think you are really attractive, nice, and perfect. But I'm not interested in being in a relationship with you, but I still love you. I think I luk you.
Yunny: I luk you too...
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