What happens when one person eats over 200% of their Daily Recommended Value of saturated fat. Also can be used to describe imminent failure, or fucking up bad.
Casey was shitting lipids after eating an entire pint of Haagen Dazs.

"I'm just shitting lipids over that DSP exam," proclaimed Casey, as he knew that his grades would plummet him into disaster.
by Zorba November 14, 2003
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good or bad; boob fat, mostly used sarcastic. used also in place of a curse word.
That shit was titty lipids!
My titty lipids are gonna be huge after this feast!
Her mom's titty lipids mood ruined her online fun!
What the titty lipids?!
by craiggyboy845 March 16, 2011
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Hooker who caters to a fat clientele
dude, if you don't get your hand out of that cookie jar, you're gonna have to start seeing the lipid whore
by Nutboy November 6, 2007
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inserting penis between a womens or mans rolls of fat...ideally in the abdominal region
John asked big Bertha if she was game to lipid fuck.
by George V May 24, 2008
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Adjective: Describing an idea or person as stupid or ridiculous.

A term used commonly north of Seattle.
Bro, what you said was so whack. You are completely Crip-Lipid.
by OG Two Tone December 11, 2021
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