An ideology based on beliefs of economic and personal freedom, and the fact that social inequalities are a part of nature. (Also libertarianism to the American readers.)

A definition later to be distorted by Americans, who mainly associate "liberalism" with being left-wing on the political scale, disregarding the original and correct sense of the word.
Each man is the architect of his own fortune.
by Svengali April 9, 2004
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Liberalism is a political philosophy-ideology favouring centrist-laissez-faire economics, willing to comprimise a bit. Additionally, liberalism advocates for the invidualist freedoms, including democratic rights. They support a democracy. Liberals are also advocate of separation of church and state, open-disscusion, Social Progressivism and centrism.
Liberalism has it's own radicalized variations, not centristic. One such radicalized variation is Libertarianism. In the US, people confuse liberals with Social democrats, democratic socialists, and anyone not a conservative. Liberals, however, differ from Social democrats in not supporting too many government funded programs, being more to the right. They are, although, willing to make comprimises with them and conservatives.
by Secular leftist October 21, 2005
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american for 'carpet bombing'
tone blair, 'lets liberate iraq'
george dubya bush 'u sure we got enough bombs'
by steevy price price price March 22, 2003
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Technically means those people who embrace all elements of society.

However it is more commonly used as a term for any left-winger.
The word 'liberal' is sloppily used.
by RKffffg July 3, 2004
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1. A political ideology responsible for virtually all social progress in history; see creation of democracy.
"Damn those dirty liberals with their common sense... I want my $30 tax cut!"
by Andy December 1, 2004
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People who give a shit about their fellow man.
Liberals "I can empathize with disadvantaged people and feel that all folks deserve a fair chance to achieve the America Dream."
Crazy person "All you socialist anti-American fascist Liberals should be shot for treason."
by Dougie #0001 September 10, 2009
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Bill Clinton. Not only to lib's use brains, they get them too.
by soulfuentes May 20, 2005
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