"Good morning, what's up?"

"Nothing much, rough night! Lib forever"
by RyEd994 January 30, 2010
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1. "there's a bunch of liberals protesting again..."

2. "hey meet me at the lib at 6"
by not caroline March 18, 2009
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Conor: Hey what's up David?

David: Shut the fuck up you lib.
by James... December 8, 2004
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An abbreviation on the word "library", often used to make the prospect of work more enticing.

Less cool people refuse to use the word and prefer to call it the "larry" instead.
"Hey guys, anyone wanna come to the lib with me to print off my philosophy homework?"
"Sure thing dude, sounds like a rave!"
by Boom Shaka February 10, 2012
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A liberal; Libs, plural form, fully said as liberals. This is an immoral person who claims to be a so-called "Progressive", when they are actually incredibly bigotted themselves. In fact, a great majority of them don't understand, and usually don't care about those who have mental disabilites, or those with emotional disorders (though some of them do). This is just one way in which a Lib is a hypocrite.
LIB! See also: commie, communist, Democrat, Democrats, whiney bitch, loser.
by Fuck All U Bitches April 18, 2005
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Lazy way of saying 'liberal'.
God damn Kerry libs gon appease them terrorists
by one of you November 6, 2004
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