A watch that poor people buy and have nothing to eat for months but they can go to their friends faces saying" OOH LOOK I HAVE A ROLEX IM RICH LIKE.. are you gonna eat that sandwich?"
Guy 2: How much was it?
Guy 1: £100.100
Guy 2: How did you afford it?
Guy 1: Killed my family, sold their organs, BUT HEY I HAVE A ROLEX, THATS ALL I NEED TO BE HAPPY!
Guy 2: Wtf?
by CHRISRULESLIKE October 19, 2007
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Yellow or gold band they give federal suspects in jail.
Yea man. Them boys stung that nigga for bubblin up ooks. I saw him in holding wit dat Rolex.
by Immyownuruk! March 23, 2015
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a very pricy watch commonly given as an award for working at a company for 10-20 years also the watch on my wrist right now.
jim, please report to my (your boss) office to recive your rolex as a 15 year award.
by exicalibur January 22, 2007
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A popular 2017 rap song by Ayo & Teo
I just listened to Rolex
by Worddefiner11 May 28, 2017
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A Watch that is sold for about a buck in China.
If its a fake it will break.
by Ookpick GooseFrubba August 17, 2005
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verb, The act of wrapping ones penis around the wrist like a watch in order to trick another person into looking at ones dong. Commonly used with a question to the intended victim.
"have you seen my new rolex?"
by KungFu April 1, 2005
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The circular ring left on the wrist after anal fisting.
Dude, check out the rolex I just got from Peach's ass!
by Bac*n February 7, 2006
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