similar to a dictionary
It is possible the world revolves slowly around a Hemness.
Little Tommy, "Dad, what does incognito mean?"
Dad, "I'm not really sure son, go check the Hemness - it knows everything."
by Heather Hemness June 13, 2008
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Googling in am online quiz in a video conference which is visible to everyone .
He hemmed his way into the finals of the quiz.
by Lamba mamba April 8, 2021
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Basicly means "gimme!" What someone says when they REALLY want something, but no one's giving them anything cuz they can't ask and they never bring anything to the table. Usually a mooch.
Alex: "Hey, does anyone wanna hit this weed? Anyone at all?"
Dave: "Hem, hem, hem!"
by fade650 February 10, 2010
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A shortened version of "ahem".
Nice, Jimmy Rollins is, hem, up... the Phillies are, hem, sure to tie the game.
by Smocko September 19, 2004
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The counterpart to Meh

Can be used interchangeably with Meh. It has similar uses and functions. Of these, the most important is a retort to Meh.

"Howd the test go?"
"Hem, I see"
by Wooooo NYU December 18, 2008
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'how are you?'
by sheepy mcsheep January 15, 2004
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