A group of people (3 or more who can be either male, female, or both) who through higher numbers and combined strength, subdue their victim (Usually Female but sometimes Male) and force them to engage in a sexual act.

Gang Rape is illegal in the U.S and other countries as well, HOWEVER, it IS a recreational act in prison. (Lol)
But seriously, Gang Rape is a very evil and very wrong thing to do.
Young, inocent Sarah was walking home from the library once it had closed. As she walked she heard a scuffle to her right, and as she looked, she was tackled and forced to the ground. She tried to get up but could not because someone was ontop of her. She felt her skirt and panties being brutally ripped off of her, and opened her mouth to scream, only to feel a massive hard dick ram down her throat. She began to cry as she knew that she was being gang raped.
by Hoss246 September 23, 2009
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Rape by 2 or more people on one person
by 459395 February 26, 2022
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A group of people comprised of individuals with the names: Sean, Dylan, Marcello, Diego, and Matt.
by Jew coon October 22, 2019
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when one person rapes a gang or group of people. the opposite to gang rape.
i went into a room where i proceeded to reverse gang rape a large group of homeless men.
by Ginger D July 9, 2010
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The act of multiple people playing a single player game together to increase efficiency and speed.

(Also known as grg-ing said game)
Nerd 1: Dude, how'd you beat Final Fantasy VII so quick?!?!?!
Nerd 2: Me and Todd, gang rape gaming.
Nerd 1: Aaah, smart move.

Laurence: Man we grg'd the shit out of Pokemon Yellow last night and beat the elite four 5 TIMES!!!
John: mmm...
by CleverMike July 16, 2011
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