To mess about, to waste time on needless activities, largely resulting in a commendable achievment of fuck all. Often causing lateness. Also called "fannying about" by the more conservative of you. Females specialise in fannying, hence the term "fanny". However there are famous males such as George Bush who bear the hallmarks of fannying. The Iraq war being one of George Bush's most famous incidents of fannying about.
1. "I'm sorry, but to me foreplay is just beating around the bush. It's too much fannying about for my liking."
2."Oi, Ieaun, no fannying this time, we meet at twelve! Not a quarter to one or in another life as insects who only live for a day! Which you'd spend fannying!"
by No Name Johnny September 6, 2005
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UK, Australia, NZ. Fanny= pussy
Silly yanks, fanny= bum
They do seem to have a lot arse about. Even funnier when a girl says "i'll stick that in my fanny pack" which does make for a lot of shocked faces.
I piss myself laughing when that show "the nanny" comes on, at the start the song goes that she got kicked out and landed on her "fanny", ouch, how unfortunate.
by jamesbrown April 23, 2003
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sometimes used as another word for butt, but also used as a name. Fannies are wonderful people who are really really pretty and nice and talented and make the best cousins in the world. Everybody loves them and wishes they were a Fannie!
Basically the most awesome people in the entire world.
Person 1: "Hey, did you know that it't Fannie's birthday on thursday?"

Person 2: "No way! Fannie's the best!! I wish I was her. I hope she has the best one yet"
by ilovefannie February 1, 2011
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The Ship consisting of Finnick Odair and Annie Cresta in The Hunger Games. Possibly one of the best pairings in the entire series.
“Fannie is the best ship, they really love each other.”
by everlarkssunset October 10, 2019
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Obsolete: A pet form of the name "Frances".

UK and Australia: the female genitals

US: the buttocks

As a result of these different meanings, there is bound to be confusion.
"How's my sweet, lovable little Fanny?"

"Have you seen my Fanny?"

"I'm in love with Fanny..."

"That's my Fanny; as cute and sweet as ever!"

"What could she do? She was out on her fanny."

"We deserve a spanking, right on our fannies!"

"Just look at this little rash on her fanny."

"I'll just put it in my fanny pack."

"Danny, Danny with the big, white fanny-!"
by Lorelili May 4, 2007
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She is very very very beautiful ,smart and cool girl. Not a vagina.
OMG is that Fanny, she is so beautiful.
by Fannypanny makaroony March 21, 2017
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A British word for vagina

Also used to clean up certain swear words
"What are you doing?" "Sweet F*** All"
"What are you doing?" "Sweet Fanny Adams"
by Dave January 23, 2004
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