Computer\console game serries from 1985, ported to over 10 systems a basic pseudo 3d game(like classic Wolfenstine 3d or Doom) but in a D&D setting.
Also title used in 3 of the 5 games relased comerically for the serries.
Dungeon master for the Atari ST, Amiga computer, Dos. Last comerical game in serries: Dungeon Master Nexus a Japanese only true 3d game for Sega Saturn.
Lives on today in projects like Return to Chaos(RTC) and Chaos Strikes back for Windows(CSB4win).
by ParuNexus June 7, 2005
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Luke Bodenheimer.
Luke you were the DM last week!
by dj February 5, 2004
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In a typical game of dungeons and dragons as defined by Lamia and other wonderful people thanks to their anti-pythian crusades, this word is a synonym for "bitch who never has any fun"
Gee, Maria. I'm sorry your boyfriend is always a Dungeon Master, but he really just needs to loosen up!
by Gorth December 17, 2004
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a gachimuchi aka gayporn meme reference
its first appear when Van Darkholme says: ...change my house into a dungeon, um dungeon♂master
fag1: who the fuck are you?
fag2: dungeon♂master
fag1: thank♂you♂sir
by dungeon♂master September 18, 2017
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The Best Dungeon Master is named Emily and is super pretty and awesome and always makes sure her players are having lots of fun above all. She is creative and smart and does the best voice impressions for any character. When a new player joins or anyone has questions or needs assistance, Emily the Best Dungeon Master will do everything in her power to make sure the player feels included and knows what to do.
"Did you hear? Emily sat down with me to pick out new spells last night!"
"Yeah, she's the Best Dungeon Master!"

"Wow, I didn't see this coming! Emily, you're the Best Dungeon Master!"
by captainfanta January 26, 2022
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Matthew: Did you play Dungeon Masters yesterday?
Matthew: Me too! I totally screwed over those lion prancers using my spell of argon.
Micheal: That is too cool for argon words.
by Lion Prancer December 18, 2008
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Random character: "You see that dungeon master over there?"
Other dude: "oh shit we better run before he rocks fall is!!!"
by Twins_bob May 9, 2021
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