an amazing person who is perfect and genuin, and has a bangable body
guy1: what're you doing tonight?
guy2: Dilys!(;
by asdfghjklllllllll November 3, 2011
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1. Someone who often acts retarded or stupid. Originally was the name of an autistic person.

2. Often disregarded or ignored.
1: Dude, stop being a dily.

2: Ignore him, he's just a dily.
by ItsYourFav September 7, 2017
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A strong realashionship between two 11 year olds named lily and devin.There relashionship is very strong and will last a life time.Lily is a strong beautiful girl that plays softball.And devin is a smart handsome boy that plays baseball and basketball.
by Lord mammatop March 9, 2018
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To be in such a state of mind that you have no idea what is going on. Someone who is dumb as a box of rocks. A person who may think they are a thug and or a tough person however, they really are just plain stupid.

You can also consider this a look, someone who is out of the norm, ie, pierced like crazy or covered head to toe in tattoos.
Martin: hey man did you see that freak?
Johnson: yeah hes a dily rob

Howard: ugh dude, you are so dily rob
by ifixboxed dye January 15, 2013
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The person who support corrupt leader Nawani brother . A common term for the supporters of Nawani Brother
Ali : Yeah Nawani brothers are doing well

Jaskani : lol stay away Dili Patwari
by hexRebel July 29, 2018
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Always wasting money on branded goods. Don’t know how to save money wisely. She should use the money by treating her friends instead.
by fishball123 November 22, 2021
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