A guy who looks like a RAT. In islam "David" was a king, meaning his evil counterpart "Dawid" is probably a rat demon or something. Also he sucks at stuff like paintball or chess but has some suprisingly fast legs, although rats do run quite fast for their size.
Man 1: Yo i met Dawid in the streets yesterday

Man 2: Was he nibbling on some Cheese?
by Gamer22456265 May 25, 2021
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White people, with afro like brown hair, with a bowl haircut Dawid's are normally fat asses.
Dawid cut your damn hair. WTF DAWID!
by whitefire2993 January 28, 2010
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A genuine, great person who would never hurt a fly. He loves with all his heart and once he falls in love, he will love for life. If you find a Dawid, hang on to him - he will do anything for you. Still, he is not without flaws of course, as nobody is… his past is a little mysterious for one. He is a workaholic. And he does get sudden bursts of anger when something is not morally right - although he is never violent. Dawid knows everything about everything, all the little facts and trivia about how things work. Dawid is an excellent chef and lives food, He is also very funny answers loves a prank. You can feel safe around Dawid, knowing he would protect you at all costs and would never judge anybody. If you share a secret with him, he will keep it forever. All in all, if you find a Dawid, never let him go. He is a rare gem.
Look at this trick I learned, Dawid taught me how to fix this.

Dawid cooked this delicious meal last night!
by Constellationstruth November 23, 2021
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Guy with a fat ass dick loves Harambe and is a broke ass nigga
Everyone falls for his dark eyes, especially gay niggas
"Damn there's Dawid"
by fuckamoly December 13, 2016
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Dawid is a term used to describe someone that has an absolute monster of a COCK, his testosterone levels are so powerful it is said that if he were to so much as gaze at you you would instantly become pregnant with triplets even if you are not of the female gender.
That man has an absolute Dawid in his pants
by Smallweewee69 March 22, 2022
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When you take two fingers, dip them in mayonnaise and try to finger your flatmates sister while he is asleep.
Did you see Dawid’s hot sister?

Yeah I pulled of the dirty dawid last night!
by Mr. Trank April 16, 2020
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