Bassis for french-rooted band Phoenix. He usualy wears thick rimmed glasses, skinny pants and bed-head hair. very french euro-pop and arguably the hottest member of the band.
duude, i saw Phoenix last night and Deck d'Arcy looked right at me!
by shazaym June 13, 2010
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One of the sexiest females alive. The Smashing Pumpkins original bassist but left late 1999.
'D'arcy Wretzky is hot'
by hammer November 18, 2003
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1. Thus, Or relating to being "The Shit".
2. One who does not have to conform or abide to certain rules at public engagements or such events.
3. Capable of doing extraordinary things.
He doesn't have to, he's D'Arcy Fox.

You know he be D'Arcy Fox'n that shit.

How did I get in? I pulled a D'Arcy Fox, of course.

by Nathaniel Brenton October 16, 2006
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A completely flat chick
So I finally spied her in the hall yesterday. Damn! I didn't realize she was THAT Marcy D'arcy.
by demongolem2 August 20, 2011
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James D'Arcy's Blackett, nobel physicist, from the Avengers universe to nuclear universe, how cool's that?
Example of how it's used in a sentence:

Person 1: Is that James D'Arcy?

Person 2: Yeah, that's a nobel move man, playing James D'Arcy as Patrick Blackett.
by courtofowls September 4, 2023
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Former Bass Guitarist for The Smashing Pumpkins and was beautiful back in the day, however a few years ago she looked terrible in the mugshot taken of her.
D'arcy Wretzky was so sexy back in the day and has now aged like a bad curry.
by Rotten Turkey October 12, 2022
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