A cowboy created by Albert which is known to be one of the gods of roblox
Cleetus is strong

Cleetus can snipe
by Mrnotflimflam May 8, 2020
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The lack of male and/or female genitalia, when one instead has a blank space, where you can write your name.
Guy #1- "Bro, your cleetus is showing."
Guy#2- "So? It's not like there's anything down there."
by Drewcifer1124 July 21, 2015
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A state of anger reached from the consummation of vast quantities of strongbow that is a danger to both friend and foe alike
Hes drank all that and turned into Cleetus
by Paulbo Palmer April 10, 2015
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Another word for red neck or hick. Derived from the popular TV series The Simpsons, a cleetus or cleet is a country bumpkin who is below average intelligence. Can be recognised wearing armless t-shirts and possibly sporting a mullet.
Put your top back on you look like a right cleet.

Look at that cleetus' van, like something straight out of Dukes of Hazzard.
by tboy September 9, 2004
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Slang term for Brittney Spears' husband, Kevin Federline.
"I heard Brittney was divorcing Cleetus!"
by Frank Einstein December 1, 2005
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When an interracial same sex couple or other group of similarly hated demographics, takes a trip into Trumpland portions of the country to gaze in wonder at the slack-jawed Trumpanzees in their natural habitats of country-western bars and trailerpark homes.
David and Andrew took a Cleetus Safari to rural Alabama. The pictures of trailerparks are hilarious!
by Ragle December 30, 2017
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Literally the opposite of StarvinMarvin. Typically a grossly overweight white male (y’know the type that if they got lap-band surgery their whole body would look like a turkey neck) from the southern states of America (fried chicken n grits). Yeah thats pretty much it.
“Look at that fat Cleetus Diabeetus fuck”

“Who ate all the pie? Cleetus Diabeetus!!!”
by Rüeblai Khänt December 3, 2021
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