There are quite a few chords. These are combinations of holding down strings of a guitar and strumming them all at the same time. It makes a beautiful sound.
I learned 3 new chords last night and made a song out of them.
by sheck March 17, 2005
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chord newcastle word for steal
i chord a car last night
by danu96 November 14, 2005
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Stolen, jacked, taken without permission
My Stuff better not get chorded out of my unlocked car
by Lexustech January 9, 2008
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The act, or "chore", of performing oral sex on a man with a small, stout penis, or a chode.
The hooker had to go chording around the bar if she wanted all the old guys' money.
by abra2 April 20, 2011
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Something that is stolen. If you steal something it is chored.....comes from the Romany Gypsy word Chore.....which is a term for stealing!!
I got some chorde disk cutters from some chavvy i chored off of on site today!......£100 barr an there yours!! Kakka your mouth or the Gavvas will be on it!!
by sprockley June 5, 2009
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When a mans penis is wider than it is long!
by Luke Lee June 26, 2006
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