(Verb) The combination of looking something up and checking something out, lax style.
Ty: "Oh dude lemme check it up!"
by Caselindsss June 19, 2011
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when you you look at a nigga (or a bitch) and then check them up and down like 1 at tha head 2 at tha feet and back up. This lets that person know either you diggin em or you wanna fight... depends on what your face is lookin like. U got that thizz face on then they know whassup!
That nigga just gave you tha 1-2 check up, you betta go holla if you tryina get on
by $$$DQ$$$ May 8, 2006
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something you do with the boys to see if anyone's got a boner
*someone says something horny*
"ayo stand up check"
by peepolaugh November 23, 2020
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Warren: We need to all of us pay our fair share.

Chris: Just write a check and shut up.
by QBIV February 22, 2012
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A phrase used by SoCal bros to call out someone who obviously has no idea what they're talking about. Usually when talking about dirtbikes/cars/beer pong rules
Dumb Kid: Dude, my mom's Toyota Tercel probably has like 450 hp or something!

Normal Kid: Broseph, you need to go check up on your syllabus.
by nkssss November 2, 2010
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(to be) check up in the docter
\çək āp in dā daktēr\
idiom. Guaranteeing your last x years which is stated by Rejab Mohamad Wali aka full face of Kurdistan.
"You have two yils. After this you pass away. Better you go check up in the docter."
-Rejab Mohamad Wali
by lastivchin October 17, 2021
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November 6th

The day that is a tradition to make a doctors appointment for an "Anal Checkup". This could include a prostate exam or a quick glance.
Jimmy: Hey. Did have you got your appointment yet?
Franklin: Of course it's National Anal Check Up Day.
by heh3heh3heh3 November 4, 2019
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