to take a friends items and rub on ones selfs lower parts...
Tyler why did you just Charles Darwin Kevin's cell phone....
by the giant 95 October 17, 2010
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February 12th. The day that people who know that the theory of evolution is a fact celebrate and work to educate people about evolution and to fight creationism which is a false and harmful view of the world. To believe in creationism is similar to believing that the world is flat.
lets celebrate Charles Darwin's birthday.
by Deep blue 2012 March 17, 2010
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The school that kids from "My gym partner's a monkey" go to. The show is pretty much pointless. It's about a boy named Adam Lion and he is moved to Charles Darwin Middle (Charles Darwin the theory of evolution). So, he gets a gym partner thats a monkey with a huge ass and its pretty much about hijinks of a boy with problems and a monkey with an ass he likes to show off.
by Stevepower August 10, 2006
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A school in biggin hill with chavs and normal people and road men who think they run the school people would say it is a good school though
by nanwkwkqkqlqla October 20, 2021
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The best scientist (biology being his specialty) ever to exist. He's been dead for approximately a century and a half but manages to upset extremist, ignorant religious fanatics on a daily basis. Aside from Watson and Crick's DNA discovery and the TV serial Breaking Bad, there's never been talent of this magnitude.

On a tragic note, the current occupant in the Oval Office is proving every day that perhaps Darwin's findings were wrong. It's therefore not surprising the aforementioned religious fanatics by and large endorse said occupant.
Charles Darwin revolutionized biology. This makes him well admired but also reviled by people with deep religious feelings.
by ParalegalHottie October 19, 2017
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