Its Arabic for: I want to put you on the tip of my dick

hotak is for a guy

hoteek is for a girl
Arab Pimp: Bitch get over here, Bedi hotak ala ras airy
American Hoe: Yes BaBa
by Rolls A Lot May 5, 2005
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Pepe: who's Bredy Pedy Sedy Fedy Dedy Bedy?
Sara: some kid that eats poop
Pepe: oh.
by noosvy December 8, 2021
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the expression of pure joy and being grateful. for the second person — full time success of screwing theirs sleep schedule, after such a long time.
person1. hey, mlody bedi.. but i’m not tired anymore !
person1. *waking up* fuck yes..
by bellamy96blake January 2, 2021
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He is a guy who thinks showering is optional and bombs his diapers every night. He acts like a gang boy but got a baby bear on his head.
Hej, B! How are you?

Yo, nothing much. Just threw away my diapers for the night, shouldn't have eaten Mexican.

Aight bro, stop acting like a Bedis. ok
by yandhimommy November 22, 2021
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