The best fraking show ever! About a group of humans who have fled their home worlds due to destruction from group of sentient robots( aka Cylons) they then engage in a search for a new plant (Earth) then, temporarily forget about the planet due to the discovery of Cylons living within the fleet, and eventually end the story by finding out interesting things about some main character's species. Throughout the coarse of the show there is a lot of chaos, killing off main characters, sex, running out of supplies and Bob Dylan songs. Much better than it sounds.... However, the ending is highly disappointing, so after season 2.5, just stop watching and make up your own ending. The show has a prestory that is now airing on syfy called Caprica.
Sara: Hey, did you watch BSG like I told you to?
Jess: Yeah...
Sara:Didn't you frakn' LOVE IT?
Jess: Um...
Sara: Oh... Next time watch the 2003 remake.
The original Battlestar Galactica is NOT what I'm talking about, people!
by Seelix June 4, 2010
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Results from watching 30 or more episodes of Battlestar Galactica in a row.

Symptoms of Battlestar Flu include lack of sleep, using the word “frak” as a curse word, and suspecting everyone around you is a frakking Cylone….
Hey boss, I can't come into work today, I've got Battlestar flu
by AK2011 May 9, 2011
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A famous set of words going by the colour cyan and the name "ricardo" in an among us game
by Tophy_ayylmao May 8, 2022
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Battlestar Pegasus is a Mercury-Class Battlestar from the tv series Battlestar Galactica.Initially,she was presumed destroyed with the rest of the Colonial Fleet but she turned out to be quite well.

The Fleet was rejoiced when they found The Pegasus but hard disciplinary measurements implemented by Admiral Cain(Pegasus' Commanding Officer) soon led to a stand off between the Galactica and the Pegasus.This conflict was prevented by Starbuck's timely arrival.If it wasn't for a nearby Cylon Fleet,they would have fought each other.

Being a Mercury-Class Battlestar she is more advanced than Galactica.She is twice the size and needs only half the crew because of high automation technologies as indicated by Admiral Cain.She also has more fire power and armour.

After Cain's assassination, Commander Fisk took command of Pegasus only to meet the same doom.Command was given to Lee Adama for his successful commanding after the ship was led to a Cylon trap which she was confronted by three Baseships by Commander Garner.
Apollo and Kat do a flyby of the Battlestar Pegasus and all over her dispatched vipers.

Apollo: Galactica, Apollo, you are not going to believe what I'm looking at out her It's like a dream. Laughs

Adama: (on Galactica) It is a dream.
by Mustafa Uygur Aydin January 17, 2008
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Geek porn. Science fiction drama which has seen unprecedented mainstream appeal, featuring the acting of Mary McDonnell, Edward James Olmos, Jamie Bamber, Tricia Helfer, and other surprisingly solid but unheard of actors. Referred to as "BSG."
Day after new episode of Battlestar Galactica airs:
Friend 1:"Hey man, did you catch the new episode of BSG last night?"
Friend 2:"No, I was having sex with my girlfriend. Sorry!"
Friend 1:"Jesus man, you fail at life."
by CapnAdama June 10, 2008
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A turd that is so long it either can't fit on the screen all at once or clears the water in the toilet bowl.
Dang! That deuce is long enough to be a Battlestar Galactica.
by Casablancadon August 6, 2010
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