Bassie is probably one of the weirdest people you'll ever meet. When you first meet a Bassie, she'll already be loud and crazy, and takes no "getting to know" her. She is really hilarious and probably the funniest person you know. Bassie is really gorgeous and when people see her, they stop and stare. Bassie is known for her humor, beauty, weirdness, and annoyingness. tzatz
guy: dude, who's that girl she's so weird
girl: that's Bassie, she's super annoying
by prettysunsets March 14, 2019
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1.used to call someone or something a name 2.used when you get frustrated 3.used offensivly
The oven is being a bassie!
by alex sndyer October 28, 2007
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A ugly, hairy, fat woman with warts and deformed babies on her back.
"YO! That girl is one sick bassy!"
by Rob March 23, 2004
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A toe shaped vibrator used only for the anal passage.
My girlfriend bought me a bassi...
im not going to use it...
by Bethany1989xox October 18, 2007
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Short form of the word "bastard". Can be used as a compliment, insult, term of endearment, respect or disrespect.
Player 1)"Checkmate, bassy!" Player 2)"Good show old Bassy!"
"I hope I never see you again, bassy."
"I love you, you bassy"
"Let's roll Bassies."
"You are being such a bassy."
by J.K.W. March 30, 2007
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Someone who is like a fish -- unintelligent, floundering piece of meat that gets hooked easily and can't do anything but stare. Can also denote someone who is a pussy, bitch, fag, or any combination of the above.
"Sup, bassy?"

"McKinsey's a fucking bassy, yo."

"No bassies allowed, bitch! Step somewhere else."

"Man I'm acting like a fucking bassy. I need to get my game tight, swagger right."
by basstastic October 16, 2006
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An Asian spouse. Usually a tonk, has weird toes and needs to shave.
Whoa, Josh - you're such a Bassi!

by tonky-tonk October 29, 2007
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