Used as a truce term, chiefly by children, but also adults, often accompanied by putting one or both thumbs up. South Scotland, Northwest England, English Midlands, North& Mid Wales, from 14th C. Alternatives fainites London, keys West Scotland, kings South Midlands
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A word used to annoy people, who must have everything grammatically correct. It may also be used to define a person who speaks grammatically correct. Adjective and Noun.
The writer of this definition is pretty barley.
As I was messaging my English Professor, I consistently wrote Barley in every sentence.
by Canadian Bacon is not Ham March 3, 2015
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Term used to describe unjustly confident or successful youths, often concerned with image and persuing career's in the media. Originating from the character invented by Charlie Brooker's TVGoHome website, it was later the inspiration for the Channel Four Sitcom Nathan Barley, written by Chris Morris and Charlie Brooker. There are two predominant types of Barley. The first type are generally loud and self-important, with an overconfident opinion of themselves. They feel that their lives are more important than those of others around them, hence the loudness. They have designer-scruffy hair, wear tight jeans, tight t-shirts, zip-up jackets and Von Dutch caps. They wear whatever is put in the front window of Topshop, study in-vogue subjects such as psychology and human biology, despite having no real career aspirations, and are easily entertained by idiotic teen-prank humour. They will also mindlessly buy mobile phones, mp3 players etc. regardless of whether they are neccessary. Though they binge drink, drive Euro-box cars and speak with a pseudo-Essex estuary accent tinged with their local dialect, they lack the nerve of chavs. They can be very aggressive in their appearance and behaviour, but lack the courage, individuality or drive to live up to the aggressively confident image they put up.
The second group derive from the "alternative" music scene. they too study in-vogue subjects, though this is often coupled with the arts. Again, while they profess a love for arthouse films, unsigned experimental bands and radical socialist politics, this is often not true and founded on a desire to be "an individual." These people are often bullied in early adolescence and they find an escape from this through embracing what they see as "individualism." They feel a bond with others who have been bullied and in the process attempt to form a new identity, deliberatley distanced from their previous one, and due to past experiences their uniformness is often greater than that which they previously had, contradicting their beliefs in "individualism." They are also often even more judgemental than they had been previously. They are deeply cynical despite professing a fundamental commitment to being open, expressive and experimantal, though this "openess" is often only in terms of what their group deems acceptably open, and not what they consider to be "mainstream open." They will also reject things based on whether they are popular, despite claiming to value things on content rather than image. They usually seek in vain for careers in the media or arts with the notion that their openess and creativity are somehow greater than the average. They tend to be more open to drug use than other Barley's in conjunction with their self-proclaimed experimental nature.
by Revilo McC May 18, 2005
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A vagina. As in, to make barley; wheat; or other similar grain products.
Natively, barley is a cereal grain derived from the annual grass Hordeum Vulgare. Vulgare sounds like vulgar, and has a similar construction to "vagina;" vaginas are in the commonplace vernacular as being vulgar. Also, Horedeum sounds a bit like "Whore," who often have vaginas.
Barley is used for malting, which is akin to something like a yeast infection, probably.
Barley is used to make alcoholic beverages such as beer and whiskey, which often lead to vagina.
"Make sure you wash your barley Ashley!"
"This barley needs to be malted."
Last year's barley harvest yielded much poontang."
"I like barley."
by sheol April 21, 2009
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Slang word for marijuana derived from Bob Marley (like its his) and Barley. Which is a plant that when dried and crumbled looks similar to shake.
Guy 1: Dude i just bought a sack of MB!!!!

Guy 2: Hella dog I love Marley Barley! Let's toke!
by coolguy1212 September 20, 2010
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Barley is a wheat-like plant which is very common for its uses as a cereal. There is a Pearled Barley too, which is another variation of the same plant or the refined barley. "Bearded barley" may be just a mistake in the transcription of the lyrics in the song "Kiss me" by Sixpence none the richer from Pearled to Bearded barley, yet if it is indeed Bearded Barley it refers to a wheat-like plant which has overgrown and its ready for harvest, allowing a couple to take some comfort behind the bush.
-They went to kiss behind the bearded barley in the garden of the old manor.
-My barley is bearded! i should harvest soon
by anice_dude July 26, 2019
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another name for my good friend "beer"
I'm quite parched and could use another barley pop.
by Steve January 3, 2004
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