A next level Dutch Oven, you actually defecate under the sheets and hold your SO under there to inhale the aroma.
I brownie baked Kathryn last night. Shit got all over the bed, but hearing her gag at the stench was worth it.
by plastic ducks February 15, 2016
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The process for a male defecating, using a syringe to suck up the feces, then injecting it into his urethra.
Bro 1: I saw Jeremiah baking a brownie last night.
Bro 2: An actual brownie or...
Bro 1:Nah bro. I might upload the video I took to r/cornedbeefaproved.
by Toughkneigh February 2, 2020
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When you take a shit and then shove it up the girls pussy, 'impregnating' her with the poop.
hey Candice, u wanna bake a brownie tonight?
by Autistic_Lemon June 19, 2023
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Lady bakes a brownie on the sidewalk when she couldn't make it to the toilet. dump
by rollonman January 15, 2018
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