Adj. Used to describe a person who is constantly attacking you emotionally because they are being pissy the whole day and/or are emotionally unstable. (Synonym: combative)
Louis you are being constantly attackative today, do you need a hug?
by SkwirrelHomie July 16, 2017
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The act of unleashing verbal abuse upon another who angering you because they are lying and being defensive.
Nichole was attackive when her father said he was a perfect exemplary father.
by Boardgame Apostle December 17, 2020
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Humerously, in Japan 'attack' means to approch someone of the opposite gender
"She attacked him at a bar & they went out the next day."
by Allaiyah June 25, 2004
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A way to describe one of the feelings a kpop fan gets when she/he see her/his bias/es looking good.
Kpop Fan1: *Shows a picture of Park Jimin*
Kpop Fan2: Omg I feel so attacked right now! He's so hot!
by ParkJimin95 May 31, 2017
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1.) To enter military forces into another country with hostile intentions.
2.) to criticize strongly.
3.) to set upon with violent force.

No remorse, no repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day, another death
Another sorrow, another breath
No remorse, no repent
We don't care what it meant
Another day, another death
Another sorrow, another breath

by Brian Johnson November 3, 2003
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Idiosyncratic term for "offense" or "forward" in the Game of Lacrosse. Commonly used as a noun referring to the position, or status of ball possession.
Each Lacrosse team consists of 10 players on the field. They include:
1 Goalie
3 Defencemen
3 Midfielders
3 on attack
by 07079 February 12, 2009
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The attachment that comes in on suspicious (often automatically sent to the spam folder) email, it is highly likely to have a malicious virus/trojan/other software/program
Derived from a typo of attachment
Sarah: I had better not click this attackment from "Prince Jabar of Nigeria" offering me 800,000 Euros.
Matt: Yeah, I'm sure it'll infect your computer with something nasty.
by nekohyphenkun July 25, 2010
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