The Architect is a character from Matrix Revolutions who uses a limited vocabulary of over complicated words. In the world of the Matrix he is a 'God' figure.
The Architect bears an uncanny resembelence to 'God'.
by lordpestilence July 13, 2005
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a person who works in the design field whose job is seriously underrated and under appreciated. Though they go through more schooling then most people, they earn a fraction of the pay and usually die in debt. However, the sheer joy of knowing they made a difference in the world is enough to sustain them and make every CEO, Lawyer and Stockbroker wish they had done something better with their lives.
Mies Van Der Rohe was a famous architect, who died in a Penn Station bathroom and wasn't identified for three days. However, in his short life, he managed to acomplish more then any lawyer ever could.
by Born-To-Loose July 11, 2008
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the act of creating something beautiful and not being a pretentious asshole about it
Stosh: I see you've been ARCHITECTING. That portico is to die for! It does seem a bit fancy for an entrance to White Castle?

Helga: Yes, well an old greek woman read my fortune and told me White Castle needed an upgrade. So I drank a triple espresso and ARCHITECTED that thing in 48 hours.
by GOLDMINER February 21, 2014
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better than Bring Me The Horizon, and they\'re only 18!
UK mathcore and alot of other \'core\' stuff, insane timings and sick vocals.
Kid 1: You going to see BMTH?
Kid 2: nah, i prefer Architects *turns back and walks away*

by Alex June 19, 2006
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An idiot in the Matrix who uses such complex words that you can't understand what the fuck he's saying.
The Architect: Ergo, concordantly, vis-a-vis. ...You know what? I don't even know what the fuck I'm saying. I just thought it would make me sound cool."
by D-Miles August 20, 2006
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This really cool band that toured for a while with My Chemical Romance. They have a bit of a Who influence, a bit more of a Clash influence, another bit more of an AC/DC influence, and a massive Green Day influence. (They're better than all the bands that influenced them.)
MCR Fan 1: Did you see MCR? Man, I can't believe they had the Architects and Neon Trees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MCR Fan 2: No. I saw the Architects, and they were epic, but then they had some shitty band called Thursday.
by Thatguy248 July 27, 2011
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A person which uses huge, or intellectual vocabulary in a normal conversation such as the architect from the matrix would use.
Tay: wow that movie was awesome, i think it was one of the best ever
Steve: Well actually considering the themes presented during the exposition the delineation of the sub-plot in conjunction with a deterioting character development it can be inferred that the film was rather sluggish and inconsistent, vis a vis, ergo....
Tay: There goes the architect
J: He builds words...
by stfu22 September 29, 2006
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