Making reference to you or your child's autism diagnosis (as a form of disability) in a conversation with a service provider (or customer service representative) to lend greater urgency or import to your request, complaint or request for policy exception. Derived from similar term "Playing he Race Card", an idiomatic phrase that refers to exploitation of either racist or anti-racist attitudes by accusing others of racism.
I can't believe I had to wait in line for 30 minutes to pick up an item at Best Buy that was supposedly ready yesterday. After 10 minutes my son had a meltdown from the sensory overload of spending so much time in the bright, loud store.

You could see employees standing around doing nothing while I waited in line. When the manager working the desk made a comment that 'someone was a little cranky' (instead of apologizing for the inappropriate wait), I almost lost it. I'm still pretty angry but at least I got a $50 gift card after I complained to corporate, Playing the A Card.
by SmoknKynd February 4, 2015
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When you wrap a playing card or other thick cardboard around your penis before sex to achieve supplemental girth. When inserted, the card is part of your “union” with your partner, hence, union card.
My dick is shaped like a coffee stirrer, better get my union card ready.
by Teamster954 March 26, 2021
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A simp card is ANYthing posted, written, pr recorded that has even a hint of rizz. Becoming very popular during the age of the Welcome Home ARG, Simp Cards are usually done as drawings or spoken with the "~" symbol. Simp Cards are very common on TikTok. Usually used as an alternative way of getting rizzed up is "Getting a simp card pulled"/"Getting simp carded"
Wally Darling RF Au "Where are you going dear~"

Y/N "That TikTok just pulled a simp card"
by Saynivia August 17, 2023
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When you act like a cunt. But we all know you are a cunt anyways.
There goes erin pulling the cunt card.
I know man, but we knew this already right?!
by W8uknowit August 15, 2017
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The cop-out fundie atheists pull out of the bag when they cannot justify a claim they make regarding God, the Bible, etc. Usually framed as either a loaded question or a "Go could have done XYZ" routine to make God appear irresponsible at best.
Fundie Atheist: If God does not endorse slavery, why did he not condemn it?

Christian: What good would that have done when the concept of it was ingrained into everyone's minds to the point of normalization? He first had to break the ideas at play, like what we see in Philemon, for instance. goes on to explain

Fundie Atheist: Oh, yeah? Well, God's omnipotent, isn't he? Couldn't he have done something to make them accept a direct condemnation of slavery?

Christian: Well, since you brought up the Omnipotence Card, why should he have done it your way at all? Where is the obligation.

Fundie Atheist: He's omnipotent, right?

Christian: Your point is? Now, answer my question, if you don't mind.

Fundie Atheist: Well, then, why didn't he? He could have, couldn't he?

Christian: Why should he have done it that way?

Fundie Atheist: He's omnipotent, isn't he?

Christian: Cope harder.
by Charles Bakir January 28, 2022
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That one guy at the table that has his card in hand stretched out into the middle of the table, unturned, before the player before him has even played, just to intimidate them into thinking he knows what they will play. This usually makes the card player second guess what they think they should play and play another. Which usually ends up being the wrong play.
Last night, Pete was such a card bully. He was totally making me mess up because I kept second guessing myself. I hate when he tries to guess what I will play.
by Card Bully September 17, 2011
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When you date and keep a handful of your Tinder matches you swept right on.
Are you seeing that person you met from Tinder exclusively, or are you "keeping a hand of cards?"
by The CELsta May 11, 2016
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