Frequently used when two employees meet in the company parking lot to settle their grievances with fisticuffs. The victor can claim he gave the loser some "Parking lot Therapy."
Stan kept bullying Bob. On day, after work, Bob gave Stan some "Parking Lot Therapy" or PLT by massaging Stan's face with A BLURR Bob's fists. Now, Stan doesn't bully anyone. PARTICULARLY Bob.
by Bobnoxious August 23, 2020
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A parking lot rocker is a metal head( or a group) that go to a show or venue but never step out to support the bands playing live, they're mostly found drinking Modelos or any low grade alcohol at a parking lot and blast Toxic Holocaust, thinking that its a good band.

They live on low income and often hate on the popular underground bands and talk shit on other metal fans that can afford to attend big concerts, known to leave a mess at parking lots and have DUI records. .
Don is a parking lot rocker, he promised to John that he would get there early to see his band open up for Decide but is with Sam drinking Early times whiskey while listening to Venom.
by Jrob2020 July 16, 2018
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A parking lot rocker are mostly metal heads (or a group)that go to a show or venue but never step out to support the bands playing live, they're mostly found drinking Modelos or low grade alcohol, and blast Toxic Holocaust in their car, thinking that its a good band.

They live on low income and often hate on the popular underground bands and talk shit on other metal fans that can afford to attend big concerts, known to leave a mess at parking lots and have DUI records. .
Don is a parking lot rocker, he promised to john that he would get there early to see his band open up for Decide but is with Sam drinking Early times whiskey while listening to Venom.
by Jrob2020 July 16, 2018
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Noun: The phenomenon of losing all memory of where you parked your car, usually occurring after coming out of a loud and busy store.
Jesse Pinkman: Yo Mr. White that that guy has been walking around the parking lot for 45 minutes, I think its an undercover cop. Let's bounce...

Mr. White: Relax, he just has Parking Lot Amnesia. My God did you pay attention to NOTHING in school?
by Jonnyd January 11, 2014
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When a wankster decides to use "rapper" language to ask you your name as if he is trying to hit on you.
I was outside of the drug store and this guy used parking lot pick-up to try and get me to go with him.
by Clhaeulrseena September 29, 2009
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this awesome utah tradition where high schoolers congregate at a parking lot with friends and pull up to each others cars, hop out for a few minutes, and kiss each other— often on video. This is how mormon kids get such a high kiss count but are still virgins
I kissed him and his friend when we went parking lotting last night
by kelp worldwide May 18, 2023
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