A man (Noah Wyse) who has a extremely high sex drive and is desperate for bitches
by Chadothan April 19, 2024
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A guy that gets a boner in every class period and looks at every girls but even the ones that are ugly
Omg did you see that horny derrick he has a boner all the damn time. Oh god there he goes lookin at their butts
by T-m gold February 1, 2016
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When your so horny your like fried carnival food tasty in the sense of sex but not the healthiest option if your desires are extremely intense.
Fuck your deepfried horny cause you wanna jump on some bones.
by Anarchon March 21, 2021
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Any person or animal that only thinks focuses and has extreme excitement over Sex or anything sexual related
“YO that guy won’t stop pestering that girl to go home with him, Yeah! He’s a Horny spaz he has no control
by October 2, 2023
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The term you use when you feel intimately isolated and in need of physical affection, but forgot what being touched starved is
Tod: I’ve been feeling really innocent horny lately. I need a hug.
Hans: Sounds like you’re just touch starved.
by TheKingofBeans December 2, 2021
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