noun A human bowel movement released in a location designed to offend a particular person or persons.
verb The act of releasing a bowel movement in a location designed to a offend a particular person or persons.
*A wife comes home to find a poo on her pillow, shrieks:* "WTF is that!"
*Hatepooer responds:* "It's a hate poo Sheila! You're so rude and you never listen to me!"
by captainofthemuffinship August 24, 2017
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It’s when you can’t hate on anyone or you get banned on tiktok or any social media and if you do it in irl remember your a bad person
Emma:guess what?
Emma : it’s national no hating day so you can’t be rude

Bully:ugh whatever
by I eat kids March 27, 2021
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a group chat with five best friends that live in different states and met on stan twitter. they block each other for “fun” but they still kayak each other very much <3
did you see that ally blocked all five members of the hate club yesterday for no reason ??

yeah bro it was crazy
by sevenwxlls February 27, 2021
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someone who follows your accounts, copies your looks, only talks about you, and purposely seeks you out to be around you.
person a: she followed my spam account, and my tutorial account
person b: sounds like she is a hating fan
by squelching noises October 12, 2019
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Less pleasant version of 'love handles'
While Ming the Merciless referred to them as love handles, his concubines felt they were more like hate holds.
by joshofbass October 29, 2011
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You are "hateful business" if you lie, cheat or steal. Your intent is evil from the start. Wrong doing.
She is hateful business because she chose to steal from the tip jar.
by Angela Pea February 22, 2018
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Her hatingness has reached a dangerously high level
by the bombbbbb June 5, 2015
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