A certain member of the LBC monkey house...the ultimate person to get the shift on a night out. A great woman to pull,as many a man of Long Beach will know,having fallen under her spell!
Hey,did you get the shift last night? You are some shifting machine!
by Dirty Little Shithead October 10, 2011
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AlMachine tapping is an advanced technique used by slot machine professionals; where the player is repeatedly tapping the screen of the slot machine to increase their chances of scoring points.

Although this method has never been proven to increase luck. It is still seen as a sign of dedication within the professional gambling scene, most notably amongst the elder generation.
- Wow look at that man over there, he's got

insane machine tapping skills!

- Yeah I know, he must have been doing this for

by Ameri Mohamed October 18, 2023
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Some small streamer whos decently good at tetris, and minecraft bed wars, quite friendly too
Have you seen Lightning Machine around? I think he's taking a break
by Forgotten_Dog May 3, 2021
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A Russian mythical demon that comes and eats little children at night who do not brush their teeth
Little Timmy: "But Dad I don't want to brush my teeth!"
Dad: "Careful Little Timmy, if you don't, Glornops the Nightmare Machine will come for you in your sleep..."
by preeves_ July 8, 2022
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The prime of the internet, and a catalyst for eliteness and knowledge. Feared by many, abused by some, respected by all. Unrivalled in verbal engagement, and unbeatable in the same respect. Truly the cream of modern day ownage. See elite, leet, ownage, pimp.
This do0d from NM totally destroyed my pathetic ass on eplanet last night, while completely obliterating me verbally !
by www.net-machines.com May 28, 2003
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