An insult that is directed towards an individual who you think is somehow mentally deficient, unintelligent or downright stupid. Predominantly, if not exclusively, used in the UK.
That guy is acting strange, saying weird things to people. He 's definitely not a fully laid table and needs help.
by creality September 2, 2022
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1. Word used to express complete agreement with an undeniable statement.
Person 1: Dude, can’t deny, ass or face over tits. Any day.
Person 2: Fully.
by ETJOWA January 25, 2020
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The act of getting very drunk on a night out or a person that is very strange or off the rails.
“ me and zacy D are getting fully blown tonight”.

Mate that bloke over there is fully blown”.
by Sean ‘Burger’ Smith July 27, 2021
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" Zach was fully blown at the rave last week.
by coldnesquick July 23, 2019
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meal or entree that has been on the stove long enough to render the hapless occupant of the pan totally motionless and probably dead
Hey man, is that steak fully cooked yet, or should I go cut another piece off the beast?
by bws July 10, 2001
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