Someone who loves horror and plays ROBLOX
by SpEskimo December 13, 2017
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1. A fictitious character frequently the subject of stories or jokes.
2. A name used to conceal the identity of a real person; often used to aid in impressions of ambiguity and secrecy, or to use comic relief in diffusing private/awkward situations.
3. A scapegoat in any applicable situation, whether as an alter ego or imaginary friend.

notes: can either be stated in a casual, fleeting inflection or a degrading, mocking tone.
"Who was that on the phone?"
"Stacey McDooger."

"Who ate that last piece of cake?!!"
"Stacey McDooger."
by smcdoog May 19, 2009
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Absolute Madlad. Drinks stellas on the daily. Goes out with all the gal dem every night and has sex with many women.
you are such an archie stacey
by Scooby with a dooby October 30, 2021
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dont take shit, doesnt complain when theres a solution. independent strong and reliable.

doesnt blame anyone and takes responsibility.

True Staceys are the positive version of a Stacey and is in no way an incel - in fact the opposite.
person:"WOW Stacey just stopped those Girls getting into a duel to the death while texting Brian good night"
person: "Shes a True - Stacey"
by sillyninja65 May 14, 2021
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a zaikia stacey is someone who is very good at everything. She is exceptionally good at baking, netball and ultimate frisbee. A zaikia stacey is funny and a very fun person to be with. She has a very high IQ and is very good at most things, especially at games, often destroying another player called blackshit69. However, she can really dumb and tends to have 0 eq. In an arguement, she always loses. She tends to say, " SERIOUSLY, SHUT UP SIOL!!" zaikia stacey also has a huge crush on older and younger men, once she has eyes on someone, that person is fucked. however, her taste in men is really weird. WARNING: if she doesnt like you, PRAISE THE LORD !!!! She also likes dogs and plays with them 24/7. at times she sometimes steals dogs from others just to play with them.
Person #1: OMG who is that girl?
Person #2: you mean that amazing one? thats ZAIKIA STACEY
by blackshit69 January 20, 2021
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Stacey ritenour is a young kid and she has a YouTube channel no one knows her because she just started.
Sister: hey Stacey Ritenour do you want to make a YouTube video

Stacey: yah sure
by Kate13326 September 4, 2017
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