Small asian girl who acts all innocent but is the biggest fucking blint you’ll ever meet. But honestly is an Oathy cunt and can rip a bloody big cone if she’s in the mood. Has a great ass (I would know). Sucked and dated nearly every penis in year 9 and up..... honestly a fucking skunk and needs to get her ugly ass dog rat off her Snapchat. She’s a one of a kind and not in a good way she may be hot on the outside but on the inside she’s as dark to dump you and then sleep with your bestfriend.
That girl thinks she’s a Rachael liu......... bahahahaha I hope not!
by Groggyman1113 June 25, 2018
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May 8
The birthday and celebration of the most wonderful woman in the world. Do not call her Rachel.
Sofia: “Man! Today is National Rachael Day! Let’s get her some gifts to show her how much we appreciate her!”
Cameron: “Alrighty.”
by kawaiiuser69 February 3, 2020
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A Chinese girl who falls in love with stupid boys. She's been heartbroken many of times. She loves her food and is known as a foody. Her alter ego is Mulan/Bonishqua she goes physcho sometimes but is really a great and funny girl. She's a little outspoken at times but that's one of her funny qualities.
rachael yau rachael yau
by Meridaaa November 18, 2013
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Showing extreme emotions for a woman who will probably cheat on you. (Pillow talking, buying gifts, texting paragraphs, blowing up her phone) The term comes from a joke about a husband coming home from work early and catches his wife (Rachael) cheating on him. He walks in the bedroom, catches her cheating and yells "RACHAEL! HOW COULD YOU!?" ... Also a person who Rachael's usually "tricks" on the woman, like a "John" does to a prostitute. Coincidentally, the famous TV Chef "Rachael Ray" has a husband named JOHN. The term originated in North Omaha, Nebraska.
chuck: "I'm not gonna lie bro, I was drunk last night and started rachaeling to my baby momma hard."
Virgil: " you gotta chill out with that goofy ass shit, you acting like a John! You know that hoe ain't loyal."
by Dr. Rooney January 27, 2020
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Rachael is a Yorkshire girl who loves organic chocolate milk, onion rings, dark chocolate, pretzels and Oreos.
Person- “I just walked past Rachael MacIntyre and she was eating Oreos
Other person- “that’s one of her favourite snacks.”
by Yorkshire Rachael January 16, 2019
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(verb) A Nurse Rachael is a maneuver in a car that either hits and destroys or narrowly misses wild animals.
Dude that car just Nurse Rachael'd the shit out of that deer.

Luckily, I swerved and pulled a Nurse Rachael right around that giant beaver in the road!

Stepping on the accelerator while Nurse Rachaeling her car, she hit the required 45 MPH as the dead deer's legs thumped against the undercarriage.
by thebigbeaver September 21, 2011
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Perhaps the greatest couple of all time. Rachael is such a caring individual who has the worlds largest heart and had so many skills & qualities that it would be impossible to name them all! Russell is there to be by her side through thick and thin. He'll love her unconditionally till the day he dies. It was meant to be. Rachael is the definition of perfection. Everything from her snort when she laughs, natural beauty without all that makeup, her beautiful smile, and love for Coldplay. Russell, is just a crazy and outgoing individual who is so lucky to have a girl like Rachael I'm his life. It is perfection. Other couples are jealous, but it's okay. They totally understand.
Girl: "Babe, why aren't we a Rachael & Russell couple!"
Guy: "It's because we aren't perfection"
by ItsAllAboutTheFarmAnimals January 7, 2013
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