To expose your butt-hole to the sun in an attempt to recharge your body.

Typically this is performed naked with you on your hands and knees, typically with your head down and back slanted to properly expose your dot.
Hey Bronte, wanna do some anal gazing?
by JohnSugar December 7, 2022
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Meaning someone has positive radiant energy all you can do is stare at that person.
The girl is really gazing. (Aka has a positive-fresh vibe to her).
by Cherelle K. May 30, 2021
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The words "Gazed Up" means that someone is hyped up and ready to do something.
I'm gazed up to buy this drink.
by stableadministrator June 29, 2022
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When you are talking to someone and you cannot help but notice how bad their shlid is and your eyes are drawn to it.

(taken from star gazing)
Was talking to Luke Taylor and couldnt help but Shlid-Gaze, was awkward

Went to an astronamy class with Luke Taylor, wasnt star-gazing but Shlid-gazing
by hgjkdfls; March 12, 2012
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When you stare into another mans eyes for more then 3 seconds without saying no homo
Friend: hey that guy just stared into my eyes for like 3 seconds and didn’t even say no homo

Friend 2: yuck wtf he faggot gazing
by @the_holy_cruskit June 12, 2019
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Ladies do this when on the prowl, scoping out potential male suitors, one night stands, and/or men to buy them drinks.
"Hello!? Amanda! Stop noodle gazing and take that shot!"
"Girl, you are noodle gazing hard core!"
"Did you score after all that noodle gazing you did last night?!"
by UpStateBronx November 25, 2008
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