A piece of media that stands out for being mundane to an absurd degree compared to it's other contemporaries. Often, the mundanity is the joke of the piece of media that is being discussed.
Trapped in the Drive-Thru is like the smiling friends go to brazil of Weird Al parodies.
by Hexagon Force August 14, 2024
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An absolute madman who has done everything. including having his head bleed from too much salt
"Boy brazil is a mad man"
by Burgerman377464737 April 24, 2022
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pees white when he sees Andon and Luke
"omg tyson is peeing white again"

"Person: Tyson Brazil must have seen Andon and Luke again"
by December 1, 2021
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A man who pees white when he sees Andon and Luke.
“Omg look it’s Tyson peeing white again”

“Person: Tyson Brazil must have seen Andon and Luke again”
by TysonLovesOldMen December 1, 2021
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